19th Annual Conference & Trade Show
Event Details
February 9-10, 2022
Thank you for attending! An evaluation email which contains the link(s) to your CE certificate(s) will be sent by February 23. If you do not receive this in your primary email inbox, please check your spam folder before contacting us. If you do not receive this email, contact us at education@nasecawi.org.
Click below for more information
Overview of Event
Each year, NASECA-WI hosts the state’s largest event focused solely on erosion control and stormwater management. NASECA-WI strives to offer topics that enhance attendees professional development including a mix of regulatory topics, best management practices, project reviews, and other industry information.
Confirmed Topics and Presenters
Wednesday, February 9, 2022
Tech Standard Updates- Horizontal Drilling, Permeable Pavement, Dry Basin
Biofiltration Media, Andy Erickson, University of Minnesota
WisDOT Stormwater Management & TS4 Updates, Hans Hallanger, Wisconsin DOT
FoxConn Erosion & Sediment Control, Pete Wood, Wisconsin DNR
Web Soil Survey, NRCS
NHI Endangered Resources, Angela White and Melissa Tumbleson, Wisconsin DNR
PFAs- Woodbury 3M, Aaron Vollmer, AE2S
Ethics, Rick Kyte, Viterbo University
Thursday, February 10, 2022
WinSLAMM Program Updates, John Voorhees, PV & Associates/AECOM
Connecting the Dots on Disconnection: Modeling the Impact and Mitigation of Development Near Lakes, Paul McGinley, UW-Stevens Point
TMDL Goals, Kevin Kirsch, Wisconsin DNR
USGS Leaf Study and Phosphorus Reduction Analysis with WinSLAMM, Bill Selbig & Judy Horwatich, USGS
Lake Michigan Shoreline, Rob Montgomery, Emmons & Olivier Resources, Inc.
Soil Properties/Interpretations, NRCS
Stormwater Development Urban Area and Standards, Janet Schmidt & Greg Fries, City of Madison
Continuing Education
The Annual Conference offers 12 CE for full conference registration, which may apply toward PE requirements, in addition to 1 credit hour of professional conduct and ethics. The continuing education offered may be submitted for credit toward Wisconsin’s Department of Safety & Professional Services credentials including: Commercial Building Inspector, Dwelling Contractor Qualifier, Journeyman Plumber Restricted Service, Master Plumber Restricted Service, Utility Contractor, and UDC Construction Inspector.
Thank You to Our Sponsors
Become a Presenter
Call for Presentations
Deadline January 14, 2022
NASECA-WI invites you to submit an abstract for presentation at the 19th Annual Conference, “Advancements in Stormwater and Erosion Control,” which will take place virtually on February 9-10, 2022. We encourage submissions of non-promotional abstracts related to projects and research in the areas of stormwater management and erosion control.
Why should you submit an abstract for presentation at the NASECA-WI Annual Conference?
Your peers will appreciate learning about your unique project, solutions to the obstacles you encountered, and overall success of your project.
Presenting is a great way to boost your resume as both a professional and thought-leader in the industry.
Showcasing the details of a successful project helps to gain positive exposure for your employer.
Receive a complimentary conference registration.
Guidelines for Presentations
- All presentations must be non-promotional in nature.
- Presentations will be 15 minutes each with an additional 5 minutes for question and answer.
Submit Your Abstract
Please provide the following information on a cover sheet when you submit your abstract by email to peggy.hoffmann@nasecawi.org:
- Author and co-author name (if applicable), affiliation, email address, and daytime phone
- Whether the abstract relates to the stormwater management or erosion control topic
- Presenter biography
- Presentation title
- Presentation abstract (no more than 1500 characters)