News & Resources
NASECA-WI Construction Site Erosion Control Field Guide
As our society has become more environmentally aware, federal, state and local regulatory agencies have recognized the impacts of sediment pollution on our lakes streams and wetlands and established rules to reduce those impacts.
Project owners and contractors are required to meet the standards prescribed in the rules during construction. Consequently, erosion control Best Management Practices (BMPs) have become a standard part of the construction process.
This guide is intended to aid contractors in selecting and correctly installing BMPs to reduce erosion according to Wisconsin Technical Standards. Included are sections on: BMP Matrix; Polyacrylamide; Water Application of Polymer; Non-Channel and Channel Erosion Control Mat; Vegetative Buffer; Sediment Bale Barrier; Silt Fence; Tracking Pad and Tire Washing; Mulch; Seeding; Storm Drain Inlet Protection; Dewatering; Dewatering Practice Selection Matrix; Temporary Ditch Check; Sediment Trap; Sediment Basin; Construction Site Diversion; Temporary Grading Practices; Dust Control; Turbidity Barriers; Silt Curtain; Temporary Slope Breaks; Channel and Slope Erosion Control Matrix; WisDOT Erosion Mat Categories; General Inspection and Maintenance Guidance.
WinSLAMM Software (water quality and infiltration modeling)
Current Release: v 10.3.4.
WinSLAMM (Source Loading and Management Model for Windows) was developed to evaluate nonpoint source pollutant loadings in urban areas using small storm hydrology. The model determines the runoff from a series of normal rainfall events and calculates the pollutant loading created by these rainfall events. The user is also able to apply a series of control devices, such as infiltration/biofiltration, street sweeping, wet detention ponds, grass swales, porous pavement, or catchbasins to determine how effectively these devices remove pollutants.
WinSLAMM Model Parameters
The U.S. Geological Survey and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources have conducted cooperative research studies to collect flow and pollutant concentrations in urban stormwater runoff. Available data collected from each study area include individual source-areas and storm-sewer outlets, along with land use and development characteristics such as percent connected imperviousness and unconnected pervious, or an associated control practices. Results from studies are in linked into WinSLAMM by modify coding, calibrating and validating model output.
RECARGA Model (infiltration basins and bioretension devices)
This model is used for evaluating the performance of bioretention facilities, rain gardens, and infiltration basins. The results of this model can be used to size facilities to meet specific performance objectives, such as reducing runoff volume or increasing recharge, and for analyzing the potential impacts of varying the design parameters.
P8 Urban Catchment Model (water quality and infiltration modeling)
P-8 is a model for predicting the generation and transport of storm water runoff pollutants in urban watersheds. The model has been developed for use by engineers and planners in designing and evaluating runoff treatment schemes for existing or proposed urban developments. Simulated BMP types include detention ponds (wet, dry, extended), infiltration basins, swales, and buffer strips. The model is used to examine the water quality implications of alternative treatment objectives.
WinTR-55 Watershed Hydrology (hydrology modeling)
Natural Resources Conservation Service’s WinTR–55 is a single-event rainfall-runoff, small watershed hydrologic model. The model generates hydrographs from both urban and agricultural areas and at selected points along the stream system. Hydrographs are routed downstream through channels and/or reservoirs. Multiple sub-areas can be modeled within the watershed.
Groundwater Mounding Below Recharge Area Calculation
Calculator for predicting the maximum height of the water table beneath a circular recharge area.
NCSS Soil Characterization Database
This application allows you to generate, print, and download reports containing soil characterization data from the National Soil Survey Center (NSSC) Kellogg Soil Survey Laboratory (KSSL) and cooperating laboratories.
Technical Standards, Guidance and Education
Erosion/Sediment Control and Storm Water Construction Technical Standards
Storm water construction technical standards are documents that specify the minimum requirements needed to plan, design, install and maintain a wide array of conservation practices aimed at preserving the land and water resources of Wisconsin during construction. They are based on current research, field experience, the best available technology.
The DNR has approved these technical standards as adequate and effective to implement the performance standards of subch. III or IV of ch. NR 151 for erosion/sediment control or storm water management during construction.
Wisconsin Erosion Control Product Acceptability List
This list is for the guidance of those professionals engaged in the design, planning, and construction of Wisconsin Department of Transportation projects in an effort to encourage uniform application of designs, standard details in plan preparation, and field installation of erosion and sediment control devices, practices, and other related items.