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Field Guide


As our society has become more environmentally aware, federal, state and local regulatory agencies have recognized the impacts of sediment pollution on our lakes streams and wetlands and established rules to reduce those impacts.

Project owners and contractors are required to meet the standards prescribed in the rules during construction. Consequently, erosion control Best Management Practices (BMPs) have become a standard part of the construction process.

This guide is intended to aid contractors in selecting and correctly installing BMPs to reduce erosion according to Wisconsin Technical Standards. Included are sections on:  BMP Matrix; Polyacrylamide; Water Application of Polymer; Non-Channel and Channel Erosion Control Mat; Vegetative Buffer; Sediment Bale Barrier; Silt Fence; Tracking Pad and Tire Washing; Mulch; Seeding; Storm Drain Inlet Protection; Dewatering; Dewatering Practice Selection Matrix; Temporary Ditch Check; Sediment Trap; Sediment Basin; Construction Site Diversion; Temporary Grading Practices; Dust Control; Turbidity Barriers; Silt Curtain; Temporary Slope Breaks; Channel and Slope Erosion Control Matrix; WisDOT Erosion Mat Categories; General Inspection and Maintenance Guidance.

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