NASECA-WI 17th Annual Conference & Trade Show - February 5, Wisconsin Dells, WI Thank you for attending NASECA-WI's 17th Annual Conference & Trade Show in Wisconsin Dells. Please take a few moments to complete the evaluation that follows. After completing the evaluation, you will be directed to the link which will allow you to download and print your Certificate of Attendance. Do you feel the following presentations offered information that is within the scope of your regular professional activities? EnviroCheck Program (Jennifer Feyerherm) * Yes No No, but the presentation was interesting to hear FoxConn Erosion Control (Pete Wood) * Yes No No, but the presentation was interesting to hear Using Pre-Vegetated Blankets to Achieve Instant Results (Robert Livingston) * Yes No No, but the presentation was interesting to hear Improving Flood Resiliency in the Yahara Chain of Lakes (Theresa Nelson, John Reimer) * Yes No No, but the presentation was interesting to hear Practical Invasive Species BMPs for Stormwater Management and Construction Sites (Clay Frazer) * Yes No No, but the presentation was interesting to hear Marriage of Erosion Control and Construction (Jennifer Hildebrand) * Yes No No, but the presentation was interesting to hear Ethical Decisions in High Stakes Decision Making (Richard Kyte) * Yes No No, but the presentation was interesting to hear WinSLAMM (John Voorhees) * Yes No No, but the presentation was interesting to hear Which speakers and/or topics stood out as being particularly excellent or poor? Please give us suggestions for speakers and topics that you would like to see in future programs. What was the most important factor in deciding to attend this conference? * Relevant topics presented Knowledgeable speakers Needed continuing education/professional development hours Offered 1 hour of professional conduct and ethics Convenient conference location Convenient conference date OtherOther Do you feel that the Platinum Exhibitor presentations offered information valuable to your professional activities? * Yes No No, but the presentations were interesting to hear How would you rate the price of this program? * Bargain Fair price Expensive How would you rate the quality of the venue where the conference was held? * Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor If fair or poor, please also select this button to tell us why.If fair or poor, please also select this button to tell us why. Do you specify or purchase erosion/storm water products in your position? * Yes No Are you interested in attending a future NASECA-WI Construction Site Erosion Control and Stormwater Permit Compliance Training? * Yes No I have already attended this training I have never heard of this training Visit for more information If you answered yes to the question above, which of the following locations would you travel to attend? (select all that apply) * Milwaukee area Madison area Green Bay/Fox Valley Superior Eau Claire Central (Wausau/Wis Rapids/Stevens Point) Based on your typical home/work schedule, when would you be more likely to attend a training? * January-March April-October Early November Early December We take your comments very seriously. Please let us know if you have suggestions to improve future programs. Click submit below to complete the evaluation and access your certificate of attendance. Submit