Eau Claire Training 2019 Evaluation for Attendance Thank you for attending NASECA-WI's Training on April 25-26. Please take a few moments to complete the short evaluation that follows. After completing the evaluation, you will be directed to the link which will allow you to download and print your Certificate of Attendance. 1. What was your PRIMARY reason for attending this training? * My employer required it To earn CE/PDH Interest in obtaining Soil Erosion Inspector Certification Content was of interest to me OtherOther 2. Did this training provide information that will be useful/valuable in your career? * Yes No 3. Will you change your practices based on what you learned in this training? * Yes No 4. Would you recommend this training to a friend or colleague? * Yes No 5. Please rate the quality of the speakers & their presentations.* Jennifer Hildebrand * Excellent Above Average Average Below Average Poor Gil Layton * Excellent Above Average Average Below Average Poor Dan Zerr * Excellent Above Average Average Below Average Poor Christine Krall * Excellent Above Average Average Below Average Poor Teagan Seneczko * Excellent Above Average Average Below Average Poor Pete Wood * Excellent Above Average Average Below Average Poor 6. How helpful were the printed materials? * Very Helpful Helpful Not Helpful 7. How would you rate the price of this training? * Bargain Fair price Expensive 8. How would you rate the venue/location? * Excellent Above Average Average Below Average Poor 9. What can we do to improve future trainings and better meet your educational needs? (optional) Submit